What Happens When You Pretend You’re a Tree?

The trees at the edge of our backyard lawn are glorious and always draw my attention. During the summer, the leaves of the birches and maples actually shimmer and shine in the sunlight. New Englanders know what I’m talking about when I say their fall foliage shades are breathtaking. In winter and early spring, the lack of foliage opens one’s view into the wetlands beyond the trees, exposing more and different views of birdlife, grasses and skyline. I’ve often thought how amazing trees are to bear witness to each season with such strength, longevity and fortitude. Native Americans refer to trees as “The Standing People” and they highly revere trees for all they give to animals, humans and Mother Earth.


Mary Oliver Quote
Mary Oliver Quote

Vrksasana, Tree Pose, gives us, as yogis, the opportunity to become a tree. Can we imagine being happy and patient where we stand? Can we stand rooted, not wanting things to be different when storms and discomfort come along?

Enjoy Mary Oliver’s musings (above)  and then try balancing in Tree Pose. Journal a few thoughts and share your experience with us on FB. Let’s start a forest of conversation about trees!
tree pose
tree pose

Early Bird Tuition Ends Soon

Yoga Sanctuary Logo
Yoga Sanctuary Logo

Early bird tuition ends soon! Visit our schedule page to sign up before prices go up http://yogasanctuary.com/schedule.html

I also have a few openings for Thai Yoga Bodywork on my schedule. Give me a call at 603-231-9443 or email me at pyogini@comcast.net, and come experience the “Lazy Man’s Yoga”, which gives you all the benefits of a complete yoga class without your moving a muscle! Visit our website here to see what Thai Yoga Bodywork is all about: http://yogasanctuary.com/thai-yoga-bodywork.html

Breathe In Peace!